Booking Inexpensive Flights

Booking Inexpensive Flights

Everyone knows that you need to book flights in advance to avoid spending a fortune on airfare but most don't know how complicated the airfare ticket pricing really is. Airlines typically offer more than a dozen price points for the same seat on the same aircraft - prices and rules that can and do change frequently throughout the day. Simultaneously automated inventory systems decide at any given moment which price point to offer a shopper, based on dozens of factors including current and historical bookings. This can get really complex but I'd like to break down as much as I can what I've discovered from my travels and research.

Buying your first DSLR

Buying your first DSLR

Before I start, I'm a firm believer that for the most part you don't need a fancy $10,000 RED camera to get the good stuff. I started taking pictures on an ancient HP point and shoot, then my phone, then a GoPro and then my 1DXM2. There may be times when you can do with better performing gear, but start with what you can. Don't think that you can't get good shots just because you don't have the top of the line stuff.

Buying your first DSLR is a bit of a jump from a phone or point-and-shoot. You've got new settings you've never seen before and buttons, so many buttons. Before you get too hung up on...

Tutorial: Creating Time Lapse Video With a GoPro

Tutorial: Creating Time Lapse Video With a GoPro

Whether you don't want to mess with a intervalometer, or stitching the photos together yourself, a GoPro is an excellent tool for creating easy time lapses. It's very easy to shoot a time lapse out of the box and have the footage automatically prepared for you in-camera.  The older versions of this feature used to take all of the photos at the interval you set and then later you had to stitch them together.  Now you can...